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5 Symptoms of Suspension Trouble that You Shouldn’t Ignore

Roy’s Quality Car Care • 18 April 2024

Your car's suspension system plays a critical role in providing a smooth and safe ride. However, as the miles add up, your suspension is susceptible to wear and tear. When you first notice a sign of suspension trouble, it’s best to get to the shop. At Roy’s Quality Car Care, we provide expert suspension repair in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. Here’s a look at five symptoms of a suspension problem.

Bumpy or Rough Ride

If you start to experience a bumpy or rough ride even on relatively smooth roads, it's a clear indicator that something is wrong. Worn-out shock absorbers or struts can no longer effectively dampen the bumps and vibrations from the road, resulting in a less comfortable driving experience.

Pulling or Drifting During Turns

When your suspension system is in good condition, your car should remain stable and well-balanced during turns. However, if you notice excessive leaning or pulling to one side when turning, it could signify problems with your suspension components. Worn-out shocks, struts, or springs may fail to keep the vehicle properly aligned, affecting its handling and stability.

Tire Tread Wears Down Unevenly

If you notice that the tread on your tires is wearing out unevenly, it could be an indication that your suspension system isn't properly supporting the vehicle's weight. Misaligned wheels or worn-out suspension components can cause tires to wear down more rapidly on certain areas, potentially compromising road grip.

Abnormal Noises While Driving 

Unusual noises coming from your car while driving—such as clunking, knocking, or creaking sounds—could indicate various suspension issues. These noises may be caused by worn-out bushings, loose/damaged components, or insufficient lubrication within the suspension system. Ignoring such noises can lead to further damage and potential safety hazards.

Nose Diving while Braking 

Your car's suspension system plays a crucial role in maintaining proper weight distribution and stability during braking. If you notice excessive nose diving during braking, it could indicate issues with your shocks, struts, or springs. 

Suspension Repair in Hagerstown, MD

When you need auto repair in Hagerstown and the surrounding area, contact Roy’s Quality Car Care at (301) 288-3572. At our local auto shop, we can expertly address your vehicle’s repair and maintenance needs. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!

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