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Important Winter Auto Maintenance to Enhance Safety

Roy’s Quality Car Care • 21 November 2023

As the days grow shorter and the temperatures drop, it's crucial to prepare your vehicle for the challenges that winter weather can bring. By completing some basic maintenance measures, your vehicle will be better prepared to keep you safe while navigating through inclement weather. At Roy’s Quality Car Care, we provide expert winter auto maintenance in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. Here are six important winter auto maintenance tasks.

Battery Inspection

Cold weather can put extra strain on your car's battery. Check the battery's age and condition, and if it's more than a few years old, consider replacing it before it fails in freezing temperatures and leaves you stranded.

Heating and Defrosting Systems

A healthy heating system is necessary to keep you safely warm and maintain optimal visibility through your windshield during winter drives.

Brake Inspection

Have your brakes inspected, as stopping distances can increase on winter roads. If the brake pads are worn, replace them promptly. Any other issues with your brakes should also be fully addressed. 

Tire Care

It’s important to check that your tread is healthy so your car is better equipped to grip slippery roads. Also, tire pressure can drop more quickly in cold weather, so you should regularly make sure your tires are properly inflated. For the wintertime, you might consider investing in a set of high-quality winter tires, which perform better in snowy conditions.

Check Antifreeze/Fluid

To help ensure that your engine is ready for extremely low temperatures, make sure you have the proper level of clean antifreeze. Other fluids should also be checked as well to make sure they’re ready for winter weather.

Wiper Blades and Fluid 

For the wintertime, it’s smart to replace older wiper blades with new heavy-duty blades. It’s also important that you’re driving with a proper level of freeze-resistant fluid.

Winter Auto Maintenance in Hagerstown, MD

When you need auto maintenance in Hagerstown and the surrounding area, contact Roy’s Quality Car Care at (301) 288-3572. At our local auto shop, we can expertly handle your vehicle’s repair and maintenance needs. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!

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